Thursday, September 19, 2013

Welcomes and Introductions

Welcome to The Boring Tree, a film and music blog that centers around pieces of media that are a little left of center.

The Boring Tree is run by me, Alex Behrns, an Augsburg College student. I am currently in my senior year of studying Film and Creative Writing; I spend my free time attempting to consume as much film and music as I possibly can, but I have a special interest in a specific type of media: the indescribable, odd, and just tough to find, aka “the niche”. After many years of wading through all types of media I realized I had a deep desire for a website that sought out these tough to find oddities of media and shared them, so I made one.

The Boring Tree is a blog committed to finding, compiling, reviewing and recommending  “niche” film and music. Now, I’m sure many of you readers are thinking, “but Alex, how will you decide what is niche and what isn’t?” That’s a good question. Good thinking, Tex.

“Niche” media is a film or piece of music that is unnecessarily odd (either in premise or practice), tough to find (tough for on the internet, at least) and inexplicably satisfying (in an emotional or artistic sense).  Stay tuned for more information on classifying “niche” media as there will shortly be a new post dedicated to the subject.

Until then, enjoy some of Mort Garson's Plantasia, an album that contains "warm earth music for plants, and the people who love them."

Thanks and Enjoy!