Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Classification of Niche Media

Classifying niche media is no easy task, especially since the term “niche” is entirely subjective, but I have attempted to break down my classification process into four categories through which I will review and discuss the niche media selections.

The four categories are as follows:

Intent- What did the creator intend when he/she created this piece?
                I will do my best to research and use context to develop an educated guess as to what the artist had intended when creating the piece. While highly dependent on the type of piece selected, the intent can help to show whether a piece was made to be consumed as art or made just to simply be made.

Oddness- What separates this piece from other types of media?
                When evaluating the oddness of a piece I will attempt to look into what makes the piece undeniably different from most other types of media. Oddness will vary greatly from selection to selection.

Findability- How far do you have to stray from “the center” to find this media?
                Now, in the age of the internet, nothing is truly ever “hard to find” so instead of trying to measure how challenging a piece is to locate, I will evaluate how far I had to stray from my normal internet routine to find the piece. I will also provide links to download the selection (if available).  

Satisfaction- How much do I think you’ll enjoy this piece?
                I will discuss and rate how much I enjoyed the piece and will also discuss how much I think y’all readers will enjoy it. The satisfaction section will almost always be presented in the form of a full review, meaning I will also be considering the previously listed categories and discussing the piece as a whole.

So there it is. That’s how I will review and classify selections of niche media. I do reserve the right to update and improve this process as time goes on. All reviews and recommendations will discuss these 4 categories.
Until the next time, enjoy this Frank Zappa song about receiving oral sex from a homosexual robot.

And since Frank Zappa can never truly be niche media (even though he does get pretty weird), here is a link to a scene from the film Funky Forest: First Contact. It is probably NSFW.

Thanks for reading,


  1. Cannot wait to get my fill on some prime niche. Loving the general angle of the blog thus far, and the analytical criteria provided is a great means of classifying a somewhat oblique term. Look forward to the niche-fest that is sure to come into being in the near future.

  2. I'm excited to see what you have to say about that "weird" part of YouTube along with some interesting avant-garde/microgenre music. Good work actually organizing a way to analyze niche media.

    Also good choice on that Zappa song. Also Funky Forest is weird.

  3. Can't wait to read your first review.
    Wait, your first song is about oral sex from a homosexual robot?
    Maybe I can wait. . .
    Just kidding, I'm sure your reviews will be great. It's just very apparent that we have very different tastes.
