Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Finals Week: A Post Full of Shameless Plugs and My Own Photography

Hello All,

It's finals week over here at Augsburg, so things are undeniably hectic for me so in the spirit of finals week I've decided to keep this weeks post relatively simple/fun and share a bit of my work and my favorites from friends along with some concept images for fake bands that I completely made up.


I'll start by shamelessly advertising my very own music that I produce under the pseudonym C4NiiBOii. None of it has been created with any artistic intent other than my personal drive to experiment with novelty music. None of the music is particularly good or made well for that matter, but it's certainly interesting (and has managed to attract one seriously sarcastic "fan"). Check it out and hopefully enjoy...


Mess My Pants

Knart Fockin'

Baby Fighting

And here is a local ambient noise project by Abyssopelagic aka my close friend Mike Fetting.




And finally a group of some album art I designed for completely fake bands that I wish existed.

AFTRNN CMDWN: a self title released only on tape by a indie lo-fi garage electronica group.

Corduroy Jumpsuit: a self title from a high concept noise electronica duo.

Unhappy Father's Day by Tank Monster God King: a drone album by a doom metal band

Brain by The Smooth Jefferies: a sex jam album by a clean cut jazz band

The Big Sex: A self title by me, Mike Fetting & Mike Allan (hopefully becoming a real album soon)

So there it is. Some of my own personal work and some album art for bands that need to be real (in my opinion). Hopefully this was a short enjoyable break from studying for all of you, it certainly was for me.

Thanks for reading,


  1. I would listen to all of those fake albums. Except for Tank Monster God King because it looks scary. Thanks for distracting me from studying.

  2. "Corduroy Jumpsuit" is so gloriously tacky (I could see that being a 90's Christian band album cover or something). Almost looks like an old out-of-print CD game as well. Pretty neat. Fetting's stuff is pretty groovy as well.
